
USAF x Dodge Challenger Vapor Woooow!

Created in association with the US Air Force by Galpin Auto Sports, this Dodge packs quite a few new options and features. The designers must have been inspired by the bat mobile on this one. It features special radar-blocking black paint, a stealth exhaust which allows it to run virtually silent, a roof-mounted camera which detects any type of movement within a quarter mile, biometric verification via the driver’s thumbprint gives access to the vehicle through gull wing doors. It also comes with a custom helmet, a steering wheel for driver and passenger so that the pilot and co-pilot can use an advanced computer-system complete with internet access, a GPS tracking system, exterior proximity sensors, as well as switch on a thermal vision projection on the windshield to track enemy forces through the darkness. Forget recruiting tool, this car has GUMBALL written all over it!
via TheCoolHuner


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