new video: UGK - "Da Game Been Good to Me"

BOX OFFICE BEAT DOWN: Monsters Vs. Aliens Earns $58.2 Million

Weekend Box Office
1) Monsters Vs. Aliens $58.2 million
2) The Haunting in Connecticut $23 million
3) Knowing $14.7 million
4) I Love You, Man $12.6 million
5) Duplicity $7.5 million
6) Race to Witch Mountain $5.6 million
7) 12 Rounds $5.3 million
8) Watchmen $2.7 million
9) Taken $2.7 million
10) The Last House on the Left $2.6 million
Monsters Vs. Aliens fought it out at the box office this weekend, destroying everything else in its wake. The DreamWorks animated comedy took in an estimated $58.2 million, not only making it the number one film, but also the top grossing weekend earner of the year. DreamWorks first foray into 3D animation certainly paid off. And we might just be looking at their next big CGI franchise.
Opening in second place was Peter Cornwell's scary The Haunting in Connecticut, which took in a surprising $23 million. No one expected this ghostly tale to perform so well, which only prove that cheap thrills never go out of style. Speaking of which, Nicolas Cage's doomsday epic Knowing got knocked into third place in its second week of release. Taking in another $14.7 million, the film has earned an estimated cumulative gross of $46.2 million.
This week's only other big release was the John Cena action extravaganza 12 Rounds. It debuted in the number seven spot with just $5.3 million. Hopefully, it will do better on the home video market. Because what this world certainly needs is more John Cena movies! The film with the highest per screen average for the second week in a row was Valentino: The Last Emperor. It took in another $30,000 playing on just two screens. So far, the film has earned $88,400.
Next week, the Monsters and the Aliens will have to stop fighting each other if they want to conquer the box office again for the second week in a row. They will be going up against Vin Diesel and Paul Walker in Fast & Furious and Greg Mottola's coming of age comedy Adventureland. (
Official Trailer:
NEW VIDEO: GLC & Kanye West - Big Screen
Keri Hilson - 247HH Interview (Video)
Method Man Spits A Hot Freestyle [Video]
Method Man Freestyle from Radio Planet on Vimeo.
810 - Supply and Demand LP (Baltimore Hip Hop):

Саяхан (долоо хоногийн өмнө магадгүй) 810 (area code?) гэдэг Baltimore underground rapper ийн талаар энэхүү микстэйп нээс нь мэддэг боллоо. Хамгийн эхлээд миний анхаарлыг татсан зүйл нь cover íü (монголд альбумаа ядаж ингээд хийчдэг болоосой), тэр фонтны өнгө хувцасных нь өнгөтөй зохицсон этэр хэхэ, зүгээр харахад зөөлөн өнгөнүүдтэй бас гоё санагдсан. Тэгээд гадна талыг нь харж авсаныхаа дараа сонсож үзлээ Mydus гэдэг хүн продюсерийг нь хийсэн юм байна. Бараг бүх дууг 80, 90 ýýä îíûõ áîëîâóó ãýìýýð soul-heavy сэмплүүд ашиглаж хийсэн нь сонсогдож байна лээ. Тэгээд beat ний тал дээр бол лаг сайн болсон. Харин lyrical талаасаа 810 бас л сайн байсан, янз бүрийн флоү оор үглээл гол нь тэр нь таалагдлаа надад. Альбуманд яг хоёр сувд байсан миний хувьд:
1. Bill Gates
2. Pay Day
Магадгүй энэ 2 дуу чамд энэ альбум байх ёстой шалтгаан нь байж ч магадгүй.
Check it out ->
(and check out artist myspace page too ->
Timati ft. Snoop Dogg - Groove On (NEW VIDEO)
Groove On - Timati feat. Snoop Dogg
Where The Wild Things Are movie trailer

Ñàÿõàí íýã êèíîíèé òðýéëåð ¿çëýý ººðºº ¿ëãýð èä øèäèéí þìàíä äóðòàé áîëîõîîð àíõààðàë èõ òàòëàà. Òýãýýä õ¿í¿¿ñèéí êîììåíòóóäèéã óíøòàë á¿ãä ë ÿìàð ãî¸ þì áý áàãàäàà íîìûã íü óíøèæ áàéñàí ýòýð ãýñýí áàéõààð íü âèêèïåäèàãààð õàéæ ¿çòýë ¿íýõýýð ëàã àëäàðòàé õ¿¿õäèéí çîõèîë áàéñàí þì áàéíà:

Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak is a children's picture book originally published by Harper & Row. The book is about the imaginary adventures of a young boy named Max, who is punished for making mischief by being sent to his room without supper. Max wears a distinctive wolf suit during his adventures and encounters various mythical creatures, the wild things. Although just ten sentences long, the book is generally regarded as a classic of American illustrated children's literature.
Written in 1963, it was awarded the Caldecott Medal in 1964. It also won the Boston Globe-Horn Book Award and was an ALA Notable Book. (wiki)
Ингээд энэ киноны трэйлерийг хамтдаа сонирхоцгооё, би лав үзнэ л гэж бодож байгаа. :)
New video: Lily Allen - Not Fair
(video is okay, original, but honestly i didn't like the song, lyrics and stuff u know)
Blu & Exile - Below The Heavens

Би дандаа өөрийн дуртай альбумнуудаас та нартай хуваалцдаг билээ, энэ удаагийнх бол 2007 онд гарч байсан Blu & Exile “Below the Heavens”. Миний бодолоор энэ альбум маш хөгжимлөг, сэмпл ашигласан beat ихтэй хипхоп soul альбум. Beatmaker үүд лаг сайн ажилласан. Хоёрдугаарт хипхоп дууны хамгийн чухал зүйл болох lyric тал дээр mc маанü мэргэжлийн байж чадсан. Энэ альбумыг ñîíñîõîä ÷àìä ÿìàð ÷ áàéñàí ÿìàð íýã ìýäðýìæèéã ºãæ ÷àäíà ø¿¿. Íàäàä òààëàãääàã äóóíóóä ãýõ þì áîë So[ul] Amazin’ (Steel Blazin’), In Remembrance of Me, Blu Collar Workers, Dancing In The Rain, Show Me The Good Life (feat. Aloe Blac & Joseph) энийг сайн сонсоорой, Cold Hearted (feat. Miguel Jontel) гэх мэт лаг гоё утгатай дуунууд байгаа. Aaaye.. артистийн талаар бичмээр байгаа ч цаг бага байгаа учираас альбумаа сонсчоод таалагдвал google дээд мэдээд авна биздээ ;)
Erik Sumo - My Rocky Mountain

Альбум: My Rocky Mountain
Он: 2005
Жанр: Electronica, Downtempo, Trip-Hop
Тодорхойлолт: Маш өвөрмөц хөгжим, ялангуяа арранжеровк болон дугаралтаараа энэ альбум бусдаас ялгардаг гэж хувьдаа боддог. Хэрэв чамд ямар нэг шинэлэг, сонсоход сонирхолтой альбум хэрэгтэй байгаа бол энэ альбум яг тэр чинь мөн шүү!
UNLADYLIKE, the fresh female Hip-Hop duo is comprised of East St. Louis, Illinois finest “Gunna” and “Tee”. These girls are the first official female hip-hop duo since Salt-n-Pepa with a serious crunk style of their own. Gunna started rapping at the age of 9 and Tee 15. They met in high school where Tee heard Gunna battle rappin’ in the cafeteria and that motivated her to want to do the same thing… that point UNLADYLIKE was born. Born in 1986 and 1987 these girls are the first group to blaze the music trail from East St. Louis and they are PROUD OF IT!
UnladyLike - Bartender
Sit Down (Dirty) - Unladylike
Ciara, Justin Timberlake "Love Sex Magic"

Ciara "Fantasy Ride" хэмээх шинэ албумаа гаргахдаа бэлдэж байгаа билээ, түүний хоёр дахь синглийг хүлээн авцгаая. Хит болох нь гарцаагүй.
Asher Roth - I Love COllege.,.,.,.,.
"I'm nice right now, I feel good
If you have a drink, would you please put it in the air"
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